Tuesday, March 9

I need a backbone

Many studies have shown that too much TV is bad for kids. I beg to differ. It is bad for fathers. Recently my husband and I were out and about enjoying the day while the little guy was in school. Somehow my husband and I started talking about how much Ethan loves the movie G-Force. He then uttered the words that have turned my world upside down. "Let's get Ethan a hamster" I was immediately repulsed, but for some reason I agreed to go to the pet store to look... Standing in front of the clear prisons that house the hamsters, my husband decided that we should instead get a Guinea Pig. The good news? This store didn't have any. The bad news? The "nice lady" at the store called ALL of the freaking pet stores in the area until she found available Guinea Pigs at a store about twenty minutes away. It was at this point that my mind was taken over by some sort of idiot mind frequency. We excitedly purchased the necessary Guinea Pig essentials and hurried off to the other pet store. When we arrived, a worker was just putting the GPs in the cage. Awesome. My husband picked one out and before I knew it I was carrying the box of craziness out of the store. When we got the GP home we hurriedly set up the cage and waited for Ethan to get home. While waiting for Ethan we kept an eye on our newly acquired responsibility. My husband who is apparently some sort of Guinea Pigologist decided that the GP was lonely and decided that when Ethan got home we would go back to the store and get a "friend" for the poor lonely rodent. If I knew how to insert music this is where I would insert the music you hear in movies that eludes to impending doom. Seriously. When Ethan arrived home from school he was totally stoked about his very own G-Force. He dubbed his new pet Sparky Darwin Zhang. To be continued...



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